American Mensa
2003 Annual Gathering

Automatic Slide Show
[qty] Gallery Name By:
[99] Wit T-Shirts (SR)
[44] Peanuts(Var)
[31] The SPAM Museum(GP)
[38] Mensans in Costumes(SR)
[56] Mensans Dancing (SR)
[71] Mensans Dressed Up(SR)
[45] Mensans at Play (SR)
[54] Mensans at Play (LK)
[44] Mensa Biz(SR)
[45] Awards Events (SR)
[36] The Facility(SR)
[49] Mississippi Cruise (SR)
[12] Mississippi Cruise (LK)
[49] Images of the AG.(SK)
[29] Mr. AG(LK)
[05] Gen-X (GB)
[25] Mall of America(LK)
[54] Views of St. Paul (SR)
[11] Views of St. Paul (LK)
[23] Great Photos (BB)
[92] Great Photos (JR)
[54] Great Photos (BG)
[13] Great Photos (EG)
[23] Great Photos (CM)
[35] Great Photos (JW)
Manual Slide Show
[qty] Gallery Name By:
[99] Wit T-Shirts (SR)
[44] Peanuts(Var)
[31] The SPAM Museum(GP)
[38] Mensans in Costumes(SR)
[56] Mensans Dancing (SR)
[71] Mensans Dressed Up(SR)
[45] Mensans at Play (SR)
[54] Mensans at Play (LK)
[44] Mensa Biz(SR)
[45] Awards Events (SR)
[36] The Facility(SR)
[49] Mississippi Cruise (SR)
[12] Mississippi Cruise (LK)
[49] Images of the AG.(SK)
[29] Mr. AG(LK)
[05] Gen-X (GB)
[25] Mall of America(LK)
[54] Views of St. Paul (SR)
[11] Views of St. Paul (LK)
[23] Great Photos (BB)
[92] Great Photos (JR)
[54] Great Photos (BG)
[13] Great Photos (EG)
[23] Great Photos (CM)
[35] Great Photos (JW)
BB = Digi-Pix by: Bill Brewer
BG = Digi-Pix by: Beth and Leo Garrett
CM = Digi-Pix by: Cassandra Meyers
EG = Digi-Pix by: Ed Gordon
GB = Digi-Pix by: George Blombach
GP = Digi-Pix by: Grant Palmer
JR = Digi-Pix by: John Recht
JW = Digi-Pix by: James R. Whitson
LK = Digi-Pix by: Lynda Kay
SK = Digi-Pix by: Stacy Kirsch
SR = Digi-Pix by: Scott Rainey
Var = Digi-Pix by: Various Photographers
nn = [Numbers in Braces] = [qty] of images in photo gallery

If You Took Digital Pix At The AG,
or if you got a CD of your Film;
Please Contact: Scott Rainey

American Mensa Annual Gatherings:

     AG-2011 Portland OR
AG-2007 Birmingham AL
WG-2006 Orlando FL By Don Beatty
WG-2006 Orlando FL By Diana L McClure
AG-2005 New Orleans LA By Diana L McClure
AG-2004 Las Vegas NV
AG-2003 St. Paul MN
AG-2002 Scottsdale AZ
AG-2001 Dallas TX
Oregon Mensa BeaveRGs:
BeaveRG-XII 2009
   - Mary Prior's
Pix & Videos 2009
BeaveRG-XII 2009
  - Rainey & Parvin's
Pix 2009
BeaveRG-XI 2008
BeaveRG-X 2007
BeaveRG-IX 2006
BeaveRG-VIII 2005
BeaveRG-VII 2004
BeaveRG-VI 2003
BeaveRG-V 2002
BeaveRG-IV  2001
BeaveRG-III  2000
BeaveRG-III 2000
Shooter: Don Stadius
BeaveRG-II 1999
BeaveRG-I 1998

Oregon Mensa Events:
MindGames Apr '06
Alex Nagy Collection
July '05
2002 Halloween
1999 Halloween
1998 Halloween
Sweet Sunday
Cooking Sig Jamaca
July 2007 First Saturday
2005 Longbow
2006 New Members
2006 June First Sat
A Tooth Fairy
PDX Airport to an
  AG Overflow Hotel

More Good Pix:
2004 San Francisco RG
2002 San Francisco RG
2002 Sacramento RG
Mt. St. Helens
The 2004 Bid for an Oregon AG
Disney Coronado, WG08
AMC 2000 Q3
Nebraska RG
AMC 2002 Q4
AMC 2005 Q1